Heart Attack Grill delivers the calories
Would you say that some tastes are worth dying for? Well, that’s how grill located in Phoenix Arizona is advertizing it’s menu. The Bigges burger on the fittingly named “Heart Attack Grill” menu is called Quadruple Bypass Burger. The burger has no less than 8000 Calories (That’s about four times the amount of calories recommended for a grown man to consume per day!). On the side of your burger you might want to enjoy some filter free cigarettes, Jolt Cola with extra coffein and off course fries deepfired in pure lard!
Well, if it brings any comfort, at least the grill waitresses are dressed up as nurses. Heart attack Grill as featured in the Japanese TV after the jump.
Scorpions on a stick
Grill feast on a disposable grill
This grill feast serving was prepared by myself last spring. The power of the disposable grill was not quite enough to cook the meat well done, but at least the pork chops were warm!