The Food, Bad and The Uggly

March 17, 2008 Chef

Cobra schnaps

Here’s a drink that you can propose a memorable toast with. I particularly love the detail where the cobra is holding a smaller snake in it’s mouth. The drink was found a vietnamese liquor store.

I wonder if anyone has ever actually drank this stuff?


January 12, 2008 Chef

How to skin a snake for cooking?

How to skin a snake for cooking?

Snake meat should taste great, when prepared accordingly. But how many of us know already how to skin a snake for cooking? No worries, as for so many other things, the tutorial for snake skinning can be found from the Internet. Just follow this link!

(dont forget to keep the skin as well! Nothing much cooler that boots made from self skinned snake skin!)

May 22, 2007 Chef

An American marine drinks the blood of a cobra

An American marine drinks the blood of a cobra
“American Marine drinks the blood of a cobra after an exercise of survival in the jungle in a field of training in Chanthaburi, Thailand.”

Need we say more?


March 18, 2007 Chef

How to eat a Triple Whopper like a snake?

A rather funny Burger King commercial showing how a guy eats a Triple whopper burgrger in a very Boa constrictor -fashion.

I am not sure if the commercial hits quite the right spot though. At least my appetite was not aroused…

March 1, 2007 Chef

Egyptian army soldiers eating snakes, frogs, rabbits and more!

On the video a whole batallion of Egyptian army soldiers eat all sorts of live animals. Looks like a some sort of manhood ritual combined with modern day army? Freaky stuff anyway.
I Would not want to get face to face with them though (the smell of breath must be terrible!)
