The Food, Bad and The Uggly

August 3, 2009 Chef

Kooky-Chew is dog food for humans


Have you ever heard about the urban legend about Soviet Union Olympic athletes, whose travel bugets were supposedly extremely tight? The story goes, that their “official” instructions were to buy dog food to eat, as it is relatively rich in proteins and calories.

Well, Soviet Union is part of the past, but there still seems to be some human interest in eating dog food. At least there is a product available, which looks like dog food, but is in fact meant for humans to eat. The meal consists of crunchy cookie cibbles with nuts, and as a bonus there’s even a candy bone to chew on as a dessert. How lovely!

Available from for $1,49 per portion

November 22, 2007 Chef

Rectum cookies


Данил from Russia sent me this delightfull picture of cookies he himself has named “Asshole cookies”. What a delightful treat to offer to your guests!
